須田 崚斗(Ryoto SUDA) 非病原性結核菌BCG株の抗結核剤耐性進化実験 Laboratory evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis var. BCG under antituberculosis drug
角広 陸(Riku SUMIHIRO) 栄養条件が微生物間相互作用に与える影響の解析 Impact of different nutritional conditions on microbial interactions 江川 結衣(Yui EGAWA)
定量PCR解析によるヒト糞便中のデオキシコール酸生成菌の存在量解明 Elucidation of the abundance of deoxycholic acid-producing bacteria in human feces by quantitative PCR analysis
金澤 妃紗(Kisa KANAZAWA)
ビフィズス菌の腸内生存におけるアミノ酸・ペプチド輸送体の役割の解明 Elucidation of the role of amino acid and peptide transporters in the intestinal survival of bifidobacteria
塚崎 修平(Shuhei TSUKAZAKI)
Elucidation of the importance of protease genes for bifidobacterial survival in the intestine of conventional mice